Justin and I escaped to Hawaii for ten days. We stayed with Stacy and Spencer for most of the time, and for a few nights went to a cabin on Bellows AFB nearby. We did not plan, we just woke up and did whatever we felt like doing that day. We'd both been to Oahu a few times, so we didn't feel stressed about getting out and seeing everything. I didn't try to get a tan (though I really could have used one), we didn't worry about taking pictures everywhere. We just wanted to enjoy island life. We went hiking a few times, went to the beach a few times (the weather was perfect for most of our stay), tried a few local restaurants, checked out Christmas lights downtown, went shopping, and mostly relaxed. It was a lovely vacation.
We hiked Koko Head the first morning and caught the sunrise (though it was mostly hidden in the clouds). We woke up at 4am wide awake that morning, so we thought, why not? |
We didn't get a picture of what the hike was like, but it's 1,048 stairs to a beautiful view over Hanama Bay. I took it slow and steady and I was still smiling (barely) at the end. |
The Pipemasters surfing competition was planned for that week, so we decided to stop by the day before the competition actually began to see what the waves were like and if there were any good surfers out. We didn't want to deal with the crowds for the real competition. This was a relaxing trip. |
The waves weren't huge, but there were still a few surfers out who provided some entertainment. |
We had a quick visit to the temple. |
We went to a cabin on Bellows AFB, and this was our view from our window. The beach was right there. |
Unfortunately, these evil demons were also enjoying that beach. (Portuguese Man-o-wars) |
It was December, so there were Christmas lights everywhere. |
This was a favorite decoration of mine. |
Love this little girl. She provided much entertainment on our trip. |
We hiked to Maunawili Falls. |
We decided not to jump. We just watched a few other people do it, then watched them painfully get out of the pool. But it was a fun and beautiful hike. |
Here is a great visual of southern genealogy. |
We had to catch some waves!
Eleanor loves her Uncle Justin |
Stacy and Spencer introduced us to this delightful place in China Town. They serve these heavenly rolls stuffed with all kinds of goodness: pork, coconut, and happiness. |
I sought this tree out. Isn't it cool? It's a rainbow eucalyptus. Those colors just grow on it naturally. It looks like the trees on our paintball fields growing up. We found it at Foster Botanical Gardens in Honolulu. |
Thanks Stacy and Spencer! We loved spending time with your family!!! (This is a picture in their backyard. Wouldn't that be great to wake up to everyday?!)
And a big thanks to my mom and dad for babysitting AGAIN while we took this vacation. It was not the easiest thing to do, as there was some medical drama with my dad. More on that in another post. |