Thursday, February 9, 2012

DC Zoo

This was a PERFECT trip to the zoo. The weather was a little overcast, so people didn't come for fear of rain. The temperature was in the low 60's-- not too hot, not too cold. The animals were all out and about, not hiding in the shade or sleeping inside like they've been the last two times we've visited. Mason LOVED the animals and both boys were in great moods the whole time. No potty accidents, a quick little lunch in the middle. A nice old man who works in the reptile exhibit even gave us a personal tour and gave us more information than we could have ever dreamed of receiving. I couldn't have asked for a better experience at the zoo.
No worries about D missing his naptime!
A highlight of the day for Mason. We've become experts at these construction machines from a book we have at home. Mason will tell you this is an excavator with a bucket attachment. Ask him where the boom, stick, and cab are and he'll probably point to the correct parts. I'm not sure I would be able to, now that I think about it... He'll also point out to you it rides on tracks, not wheels.
Lunchtime! Give Donovan a water bottle and he's happy for minutes.
He even likes drinking from them.

I'm so glad I bought this stroller. It's perfect for Mason.
Mason's favorite waterfall.
"It's coming over to talk!"
Some of the animals, for memory's sake.


  1. What a fun zoo, you got to see so many animals! I've been looking at getting a sit 'n stand stroller, what kind did you get?

  2. It's a Joovy. I love it! It's a little bumpy compared to some others and it doesn't have quite the storage that I would prefer, but it folds up well and Mason will stay inside it when I need to go fast, so it's perfect.
