Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

We went on a few Easter Egg hunts this year. According to Mason, the egg hunts which were not on Easter were "fake."

Rock Creek Egg Hunt

This was our community egg hunt. Last year there were tons of people, and the parents seemed a bit more anxious than the children. It was much nicer this year. Maybe because we went with the older kids, even though D was a bit young for it. It didn't matter much to him. He found one egg, sat down in the grass, and opened it immediately. By the time he finished doing that all the eggs were gone.

Can you see all the eggs? It took about forty seconds for that grass to be cleared.

Waiting. Poor Weston was missing his nap, but there was no way he was going to fall asleep with all the excitement.

Just Go To Sleep!

After the mad dash.

The Spoils of His Hunt

Egg Hunt With Friends

Our friends, The Collins, invited us over for a hunt on their land. Their house is nestled against the mountains and I love being there. Their youngest son is Mason's age. One of the daughters, Lucy, took Donovan around, so he collected more than one egg this time.

Love these kids! The redhead is only 11 and she is as tall as me.

I love how beautiful this area is!

Chester & Mason


A notable memory from this hunt was when we were trying to leave, my van battery was dead because I'd left the electricity on (when am I going to learn my lesson?), then a hornet flew into the van while little Audrey (another Collins daughter) climbed over all the carseats in the van to get our jumper cables since we can't open the back door when the battery is dead (manufacturer's oversight), and then I spun out on the rocks trying to get out the driveway. But whatever. Grand exit, never to be forgotten.

Easter Sunday

Easter fell on 4/20 this year, which was significant for many residents of this state. But it was just a pleasant Easter Sunday for us. We are lucky to not have any neighbors who fill our neighborhood with unwelcome aromas.

I stuffed some of the eggs with rice crispy treats. They felt empty, but the weren't!

Justin had to work the afternoon/evening of Easter. We finally dyed our eggs that day. We used KoolAide this time, and it smelled really good! They did a decent job coloring the eggs as well. Nothing fancy.

Mason helped me make my bunny buns this year. He liked punching the dough. I didn't get a picture of the final product. But they were good.

At church Mason and I performed some songs celebrating the resurrection. Not together, he sang with the primary (it was so cute), and I sang with the old folks and a little by myself. I love sharing my testimony through music. 

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