Saturday, March 23, 2013

Justin is 36!

Happy Birthday to Justin! He received a Madagascar Car that Mason built, a new grill, and some crossfit classes. We love our Daddy! (His cake is a tiramisu, store-bought, of course. I haven't been brave enough for that one yet.)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Life in Colorado

We love where we live. We wish we were closer to family, but that's something we have to get over right now, I guess. Here are some pictures of life in our new home.

D loves wearing a coat and sunglasses. He puts up an impressive fuss when you try to take them off before he's ready.

D has a new thing where he makes everything a hat. Even food. (That's a carrot)

Mason wanted to look like a nun.


D does not like getting dressed. He's holding his PJs, crying to his reflection that he wants to still be wearing them.

When the snow melts enough for us to play, we love this playground!

D loves to see his face in a camera.

Showing off his new haircut.

This shop used a sucker, a car, a movie, bubbles, and a music toy to distract Donovan enough to cut his hair. We'll be going back.

We've found some fun playgrounds in the area. This one is a big pirate ship.

Daddy makes cinnamon rolls sometimes.

Watching the real big TV.

Frosting Face. He fell asleep about a minute after this picture was taken, cookie in hand.

Playing at Dick's Sporting Goods.

D has learned vertical exploration.

D has this amazing talent of plugging his nose with his upper lip. This is his pouty face. 
Side view.

Truck races.

Playing in a "cage." He roars like an animal. Love these boys!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The New House

We are in our new home. It's wonderful. The color on the outside is kind of "special," but who wouldn't want burnt salmon paint, you know?
We haven't really taken pictures of the house for the purpose of showing what it looks like, but here are some pictures of us in our first few weeks of moving-in chaos. Justin moved everything into the house by himself. I only helped stabilize things here and there while he carried it.
We love our new home. We love that we are together as a family again.

Unpacking the toy box was as exciting as Christmas Day.

We didn't have many kitchen supplies the first few days, so we got creative.

We had to be creative for entertainment, as well. Justin came up with this game.

Mason and Donovan found all the good hiding places in the house right away.

We have a great tub in our bathroom. The owner of the house was kind enough to leave some things behind, including her elephant curtains.

Can you see the rabbits? They watch us eat dinner sometimes.

We bought the boys new beds (one day we'll stack em, not yet). It took a few days for Donovan to actually sleep in the bed.
This was after his first full-night's sleep. Woohoo! He's a big boy!

The first snow day. Mason wanted to make a snow angel, but didn't want to wear gloves. This snow adventure didn't last very long.

D wasn't amused with the snow.

Another snow day, Mason wore gloves, and LOVED it!

D still wasn't amused. He refuses gloves.

After we play in the snow, we always drink hot chocolate. (If you heat up the dark chocolate almond milk, it tastes like heaven in a cup!)

The mall has a nice play area for snow/cold/rainy days. And it's only down the road! Woohoo!

We've already had a visitor- Melissa Pruneda (aka "Miss Wissa")

So the first few days we didn't have a table. No problem.

We let them watch TV sometimes. Lol. Remember when the big family TV was this size and black and white? I don't.

These were blankets and such that were used for packing. They were filthy. We found Mason in here before we got them washed.

Momma can't be on the ground without getting tackled.