Trying to be a member of the clean plate club. Did I already add this pic?
Dad trying to take a nap
These are signs of fun times.
Our first strawberry harvest.
Yes, he does this sometimes. I'm not encouraging it. Not ready for that for the next 12 months or so.
"Captain of Remerica" at a super hero birthday party.
One of our hiking adventures.
Yard work! Hochstein funtime!
Only one is SUPPOSED to be in time out. They keep each other company, it's pretty adorable.
Mason beat his dad at bowling.
Hard core rock climbing
Sword fighting with branches. No one's eyes were poked out.
We found neighbors with kids the same age as ours!
We went to a circus. They loved it. Especially the motorcycles that jumped and the man who shot out of a cannon. D had his first cotton candy (after much convincing that it was indeed edible).
Temple trip.
This was how they listened to the tour. Lol. Fine by me.
We went to Touch A Truck this year. The city brings in a few dozen trucks and machines, and then lets kids climb all over and inside them. Brilliant. Simple. Dream come true for our little guys. So glad we went.
This was fun until he got paint on his hand, and he freaked out, flinging it all over the place. I'm unsuccessfully trying to teach them it's okay to get dirty sometimes.
City Bus
A Dentist booth let them brush a dragon's teeth. D loved it.
D kept chasing his "tail" so I had to get a video. He did it for quite a long time at the show. So funny.