Saturday, August 23, 2008

Upon Request

The Hochsteins have entered the world of blogging. Here is a summary us right now at this very moment:
- We live on Hill Air Force Base in Clearfield, UT (if you don't know where that is like I didn't, it's between Layton and Ogden). We're in a "cute" 3-bed, 2-bath duplex. It was built in the 60s, so we don't lick the paint. Otherwise. . .
- Justin, Mr. 1st Lieutenant, is far away in the land of California at a class, learning about space, satellites, and other classified military information. He's been gone since July. He'll be back in two weeks. Woohooo!
- Brooke (I) am working at the Family History Library on the main floor as a consultant. I was hired as a temp, and after Monday, my contract will be up. I will be heading out to lie on the beaches of SoCal till Justin is done, and when I get back, I may still have a job at the FHL. The big boss is trying to talk HR into keeping me on Staff. We'll see. I'm not too worried about it.
- Last weekend Justin and I met up in Las Vegas to have a little fun, and boy was it full of adventure and surprises. Updates to come.

The End.


  1. Hooray! And I just heard your great news! Good for you! I am so happy for you!

  2. Glad you got a blog.... FINALLY! Our blog is private. Send me an email jessmilks at gmail. I will send you an invite! Have fun in Cali!
