Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Nose is a Nose

Here is the broken, healing, and healed nose. When you look at the broken pics, realize my face is straight-on with the camera, so any angle of the nose is from the break. I took all these pics with my phone, so the resolution isn't fantastic, but that was on purpose. I didn't wear makeup for the entire week, and these are closeups. For those of you who will die of embarrassment for me for publishing these pics, I'm sorry. I want to remember what I looked like while I was healing. Now, this injury is nothing compared to Pete's. . . man. . . I'm cringing just thinking about what pain he is going through. I hope the pain meds work great!

So here they are: the break, the surgery outfit, the icepack glove, all the different wrappings, and the final product~!

Still not straight, but a whole lot straighter than the first pic, right?~! Some of the swelling will still go down, but this is HOPEFULLY what my nose will look like for the rest of my life.
Thank you thank you thank you Justin for being Mr. Mom and wifeband for the week. Mason is attached to his daddy now more than ever!


  1. looking good Brooke! How did it happen?

  2. Basketball. I was playing in a rec league with Jen Barnett, and took an elbow to the side of my nose. Again. :) I think I may need to hang up my shoes... we'll see.

  3. Oh-I broke my nose once, it was painful! Didn't need any surgery or anything though, thankfully!

  4. Wow, I think the end result looks nice! Sorry you had to go through that(again).

  5. I hope you're feeling all better. You look great!
