We bought a car! Wooohooo! The starter in the dear, old, many-miled Infiniti died, and I trapped Justin's car in our driveway because our driveway is on an incline and in order to get out of the driveway we had to push the dead-weight Infiniti UP the driveway. I know it's hard to believe, but mine and Justin's muscles just couldn't budge that car. Luckily Justin has some incredible friends who left work and came over (not too hard since we live on base where they work) and the three guys in military garb pushed me and the car up the hill and out of the way. It works great now with a new starter. We are done fixing that car. There's an ad for it on KSL.com.
We are now the proud owners of a 2008 Accord! It's nice. Justin fell in love at first drive. We had already test-driven a 2009 Legacy and a 2008 Camry. Legacy was really nice, and we'd heard that Subaru was the way to go, but the back seat was not very spacey. And we need that back seat space! I would have loved the Camry, but the only model the dealer had that we wanted was white. White is not good in Utah where there is dirty air, making your car dirty the second you clean it. So the Accord won. It will serve as our baby car for the next couple years. I just couldn't get a van! We were looking at vans online, and I just couldn't picture myself driving a van for the next six months with no baby. I'm not sure I can picture myself driving one WITH a baby! So Justin will get the Accord in a couple years when we get a van. Maybe we'll be ready then. Maybe they will have vans that run off soda and garbage instead of gas by then. Too bad there's no flux capacitor to help us know for sure.
Hey Brooke I saw your blog on Lisa's and am glad to see you have one, it's fun to catch up and HELLO congrats on the baby!!! Anywho, you can look at mine anytime:)