Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Donovan's Preschool

We are doing a co-op preschool with Donovan and one other boy who is a little older than D. Donovan loves it. I usually schedule a lot of play time during preschool, but both boys will keep asking for more learning time. No complaints about that. I have to do a lot of improvisation in those cases, but that's fine. We go on a lot of field trips. The point of this preschool is not so much academic as social. Here are a few pictures of some of our adventures.

Indoor Pool Time!

D loves this donut floatie.

Museum of Nature and Science! Weston has a whole different experience here now that he can walk. We come he a lot since both Deborah (the other mom) and I have memberships.

This must not be from a preschool day since Mason is in the picture, but I'll add it anyway.

They built a rocket to go to the moon.

Safety First!

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