Monday, March 3, 2014

Boys' Photoshoot Attempt

I have a part of a frame that needs a picture, and I want that picture to have the three boys together. I do not have a picture like that which is vertical, so I thought I would try to take a picture.
The first attempt was just a practice shoot after church one day. I was by myself, so I was trying to keep Weston from falling off the couch while taking pictures. Mason did a pretty good job at holding him up, so I wasn't really worried about his safety, but there were a few almost-close-calls.
None of them really turned out the way I wanted, but I thought the results were kind of entertaining.

Maybe if I pinch his nose, he'll be happier.

Hey Mom, the strap is right in front of the lens. Tsk.


Why is Weston so upset in these pictures? I don't understand.

I know, there's a lot.

Maybe if I drool on him, he'll be happy.

This was a spontaneous photo shoot, they were all awake and relatively happy, Justin was home, and the sun was still up. So we threw them on the chair with whatever they were wearing that day and their hair was untouched (not really my preference, but I didn't care that much at the time.) AFTER we finished attempting to get them all to look at the camera with a not-crying face, I remembered that I needed a VERTICAL shot, not horizontal. Whatever. I'll use one of these for something else. 
Justin modeled while I played with the camera settings. I really need to take a training on how to use this camera.

Mason was the first to obey and get on the chair.

Ha. I couldn't help but post this.

The best one?

Save me, Dad!

Another favorite

And that was all the sitting they could muster. But there's some cute ones.
 Weston was a perfect model after the whole fiasco was over. I may be biased, but I must say, Justin and I have some pretty cute kids.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud on those! Kind-of reminded me of the football pictures with Weston!
